Looks like I did get control of those Rangers, and just in time! With their tops stuffed inside my Naked Camouflage chesters, they won't be getting away soon, I'd wager. This may be about the last chance to admire that classic old lifting belt, since I'm betting it will be buried under multiple layers of waders heretofore! |
In my WaderBed contest a few years back, the winning entry for a collective word for waders was "A Stomp of Waders"! It appears from this photo that they could also be termed a "banding of waders", since the Rangers and Naked Woodland Chesters have finally been brought together in a common waistband. Maybe that's too fancy, eh? |
Ain't it a great Wadery World?! Wish life were always this sybartically sensuous, don't you? If my Rangers had just had the good sense to point their boots toe outward, this would have been a perfrect portrait of four-booted pleasure! |
Well, I've really got those Rangers under control now, and they're just about ideally situated for maximum arms contact. I bet we're about to take a trip! |
Goodness, are the Rangers racing around my Chesters? Both toes are face clockwise forward! It must be a race in slow motion, as I don't appear too concerned. |
Well, am I preparing for a sneeze? Don't know if even two Rangers will be a good substitute for a rubber bandana! Rubber Bandana, that's an idea, hmmmm! |
Looks like rubber peace has been restored between the Rangers and Naked Woodlands, and they're once again focussed on giving their owner a pleasureable experience. I think we should leave them in their reverie for now. |
Isn't this charming? A rubber-booted caress from neoprene Woodlands Chesters! It was quite a revelation to find that the two shoulder straps could be cross-connected to create a great waistband effect. It's gentler than a leather belt, and more adjustable too. |
Well, if one boot felt good, why don't we try two? Did I mention that those are my favorite green Hodgman "Rod & Reel" hippers patiently enduring all of this neoprene nonsense?! They look a lot darker when (1) freshly treated with Son of a Gun and (2) indoors under artifical light. The other waders standing sentry in the background are the Ball-sided waders, and the Syren Fireboots.
There's one more page of Wader Playfulness! If you'll click on the photo at the right, we can continue the fun! |