The Rubber & Rawhide Railroad

Progress Report for 9th October 2009

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This Page Created on October 10th, 2009
Phase VI Track Heads for the Corner!

Phase VI Track Heads for the Corner!

That would be the Southwest corner, we're thinking. Our surveying crew helped the roadbed people do a rough adjustment of the grade on this rather steep segment. They tell us that we will be able to keep to our five percent limit on the upgrade, but it will be close!

Word has it that the ultimate elevation will be almost a foot above that of Discobolos Summit, and at just shy of 25 feet above sea level, the highest point on Leather Oaks!

Curving for the fence line

It's pretty clear why the track laying crew had to stop work. Roadbed is still hacking through the Cast Iron plants, clearing a two foot swath around a rather tight curve. (It is greater than eight foot diameter, but just by a few inches.)
Curving for the fence line
Corner Curve Completion

Corner Curve Completion

If it weren't for the overhanging azaleas and Confederate jasmine, you could see the continuation of the roadbed as it heads Easterly towards the driveway diversion.

Fenceline Roadbed Roughed in Place!

Before work was called for the day, the roadbed crew completed the rough placement of over 40 feet of Phase VI. Yes, that curve at the photo's top is the same one you saw from the other end in the previous photo!

Given the continued sweaty weather, the roadbed folks were appreciative of the deep shade, although there were a few grumbles over briars. Was this Br'er Rabbit's hangout some time in the past?

Fenceline Roadbed Roughed in Place!