The Rubber & Rawhide Railroad

Progress Report for 5th March 2009

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This Page Created on March 5th, 2009
Grade Crossing on Memorial Bell Tower Loop

Grade Crossing on Deep Woods Path

With the completion of all major track laying on the Rubber & Rawhide, the crews are now focusing on those few remaining issues. The grade crossing on the deep Woods Path is one such item. The roadbed was deliberately seated well into the crushed granite path base. With the addition of the grade crossing treatment on the track, the granite was pressed back into place, making a nearly unnoticable transition to foot traffic.

Leather Oaks Pond Elevated Path Crossing

When circumstances forced the trackage near Leather Oaks Pond to be above grade, we knew this would eventually require some modifications to allow pedestrian traffic to cross the track. The first portion of that accomodation occured today, with the widening of the roadbed to roughly a normal staircase's tread width. Plans are under way to treat the widened roadbed with appropriate grade crossing track protection.
Leather Oaks Pond Elevated Path Crossing
CloseUp view of Elevated Path Crossing

CloseUp view of Elevated Path Crossing

The width of the grade crossing was almost doubled. Work was simplified by the fact that this elevated trackage employed the aluminum splice plates.

Bridge Over Lake Orin Track Protection

As part of the Memorial Bell Tower Loop, the Bridge over Lake Orin had been a source of several special issues. While the relocation of electrical utilities was the most costly, the protection of the track was seen as almost equally important. Given the flexible nature of the bridge, it was felt best to use a more open form of grade crossing treatment. We expect that this will hold the track in alignment while still allowing some flexing.
Bridge Over Lake Orin Track Protection