The Rubber & Rawhide Railroad

Progress Report for 20 November 2008

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This Page Created on December 13th, 2008
Phase III Roadbed Work Nears Completion

Phase III Roadbed Work Nears Completion!

Less than full two sections of roadbed lie between that work currently cut out and the West Memorial Bell Tower turnout! It's just as well too, as that's about all of the roadbed material currently on hand! "We were a little generous with the buildout of the complex of switches surrounding the Bronze Trio Crossing, I guess," said Harold in viewing the depleted state of his Veranda Board stock. In the photo at left, the Frog Planter has been relocated to make way for the roadbed which will pass through the parasol plants: Barriers will no doubt be required to protect passing trains from these green invaders!

Phase III Roadbed Installed to Sago Palm turnout!

Installed roadbed now extends slightly West of the turnout to the Sago Palm/Bronze Trio Loop, as seen in the photo at right. The turnout stub further East will connect the Behind the Briars route back onto the Lot Perimeter mainline.

Roadbed reaches Sago Palm
Neptune's Knoll Roadbeds

Neptunes's Knoll Roadbed.

The photo at left depicts the completed roadbed as it passes directly in front of Neptune's Knoll. Some fill work will be required as the spray from King Neptune's statue has caused significant settling in the area.

There will be an attempt at publishing a newsletter tomorrow, despite an expected early sessation of operations as Harold prepares for a brief out of State vacation.