Four Switches on the West Porch!
The old West Porch Wye seems to be missing, but four switches now grace the West end of the porch. Too bad they don't go anywhere! Well, more accurately, they don't COME from anyplace! Didn't those track fellas do a great job though, and the roadbed crew made another outstandingly fine installation!
Another lead to the House Circumnavigation Route?
We do apologize for the fuzzy nature of this photo. The light was failing, but it tells a great story! The roadbed sections laid out behind the new West Porch to North Diver's Wye lead track mark the alignment for the much proposed connection from Porch directly to the House Circumnavigation Route. Hang in there, Julio, you'll get your wish yet: One of the turnouts due in next week's shipment is earmarked for completion of this project!