Welcome to the very wet, Superfront Trunks Page! The two sets of trunks on this page have been featured in many photos on Leather Oaks, the Web Site, but none will have prepared you for this. Those trunks always look great, and larger than life, but when they get wet, the superlatives get very liquid indeed! Here's a photo of my wide-waisted waffled trunks, don't they look WET?? |
This is getting right down to the basics, and something not everyone would even want to see. Some of my favorite male curves are featured in this hot tubbed view! |
When you're jumping in and out of the water to operate a camera, balance is everything! If I stayed reasonably close to image center, I was happy. And when, as in this photo, additional groin contact and compression was achieved, I was in rubber heaven! |
Then again, there's something to be said for a more conventionally posed photo. Nothing actively said, but who knows what was thought. Nor what might be in the offing? |
This is a great full-frontal shot, bulge centered and the details of construction evident. I suspect, from the off-center front zipper, that the pants from which I made these trunks were intended for a woman. I know they were uncomfortably snug for me, but I hated to scrap them. Instead, I cut a cod opening just clearing the zipper, and made an oversized JockUp to fit the cutout. All of a sudden, instead of the challenge being pulling the shorts on, it became filling that great pouch!! |
Another neat view of my Widewaisted Trunks, so called because they ride so far up my torso. |
You might expect that with all of that bulge, there'd be precious little sensation! Not true, if my JockUps do their job of transmitting touches. Sort of a subtle wet rubber grope being appplied here, it appears. |
Well, it seems that I am re-arming my bulge. Didn't know I'd been disarmed, actually! |
Not sure why, but my photo session with the smooth neoprene superfront trunks aren't nearly as arresting as the Wide Waisted Waffled guys are! And only four poses, at that. I'm wearing a zipfront neoprene sleevess Tee with them. |
Oh, something else I should have mentioned. The waders are unlined, so-called naked, so they feel even better when wet. |
It's times like this that the highlight the importance of clear water in a hot tub! Some details are lost, but more can be imagined. And the great feel of all that rubber getting wet takes no imagination at all! I'm thinking that there is one more pose of the trunks, also under water, on the next page!
How about Water Hockey? Or, at least "hockey gear" that happens to get wet? That's what I hear is on the next page! Here's the link to Hot Briefs, Page Four . . . . Get Bulged and Wet!