Leather Oaks Christmases 2016 and 2017

Holiday at Leather Oaks!

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This Page created on February Twenty-fifth, 2018

The 2016 Holiday Card

Holiday 2016 Obverse The big event this year was the replacement of the old, peeling Leather Oaks logo with a modernistical LED-lighted sign.

It doesn't say a whole lot about my creativity quotient in 2016 that there was simply no other show going!

After quite a few growing pains, the sign now more or less takes care of itself, and mostly ignores any posing rubbermen.

Holiday 2016 Reverse
Right Hand Harold I had this really simple concept in mind for the back of this year's card. I was to be posed to the left, center and right of the sign. This should have been that "right" photo.
There were a couple of pretty good center photos, and I really bent my back for this one!

There's another baker's half-dozen on the linked page, including double and triple rubber suitings.

Bending backwards for you

The 2017 Holiday Card

Holiday 2017 Obverse My photographer friend Danin and I had been wanting to do some waterfront photos, and we finally found the perfect location. A neighbor graciously allowed us to use his Biloxi River front property.
My intention was that there would be four cards this year too, as we had at least that many different things going on.

Before we got to the river, we did a bunch of other stuff! Teasers are below.

Holiday 2017 Reverse
Harold in Blue Trust me! The Biloxi River is nowhere near this blue! But through the magic of photography, we bring you its blue moods.
The water in my Endless Pool does look blue, or at least the liner is. This series was made before we headed for the River.

I'm told that my most daring pose is a very modest PG-13!

Tex watching over Harold
Poseidon at the Shore Poseidon and I always like to get together for some quality time. I'm told that he looks so neat when he's been freshly hosed!

There was only cards in 2018! But what a photo session! You can see all of the photos by clicking the icon to the right. 2018 Leather Oaks Card
2015 Leather Oaks Cards There were four cards in 2015! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2014 Leather Oaks Cards There were four cards in 2014! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2013 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2013! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2012 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2012! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2011 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2011! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2010 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2010! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2009 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2009! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2008 Leather Oaks Cards There were two cards in 2008! You can see all of their photos by clicking the icon to the left.
2007 Leather Card There were three cards in 2007! Click the icon to the left for the Leather and Pleather Cards, or click right for the Rubber Card. 2007 Rubber Card
     There are twenty-six more years of photos to page through, and they're all just one mouse click away! Click on logo at the right to continue your Christmas journey. Christmas Card Back Issues! !