Blue Lycra Bodysuits
Blue MaleClingy Coverings with Alternative Adornments
This page was last updated on:
June 22nd, 2002.
This is the "mud-free" ManClingy path! I'm not sure exactly why, but the blue lycra "John" has never taken a mudbath! I have enjoyed it in a variety of ways, some I'm sure were never visualized by its makers.
The Farmer John "Diveskin" was around when I first found one of the "Toxological Protective Coveralls" from our Uncle's surplus stock. I know, I was supposed to be Inside the suit, but then you'd have missed the liquid coolant capabilities of the Blue Lycra!
About a year ago, I was wanting to take some leather photos, but it was sort of cool. So, I thought I would use my blue lycra as the first layer. The collar is somewhat studded, and not of lycra, I should add.
I hadn't been resting long when I felt my glasses being removed and replaced with a head harness: One should always be suspicious of unqualified relaxation.
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Well, at least I get to relax again, but someone wanted to demonstrate the ability of lycra to show bulge. What better way to amplify a man's masculininty than with a pair of genuine Lederhosen? Should I be embarrassed? Why, certainly not, I reply manfully! |
Wow, what a baleful glare <G>! Am I happy or not? At least my basket is more centrally displayed, and it shows no sign of shrinking, either. Is there a flap below that could be closed over my blue lycra privates? Surely you're not suggesting I should use it <G>!
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We don't want to wear out our blue lycra welcome, so I guess we'll be moseying on outta here about now. So long, Pal!! |