The Leather Oaks Hot Garden -- Posted Katrina

The Red Earth Dirt Burial Second Page!

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This Page Created on December 20th, 2008
Almost Buried Harold Wow! Did Mike bring another load of fill dirt? Seems only my head is still exposed.
You dropped all of that on me? Mike, I didn't know you felt that way! Last Tractor Scoop!
Tractor Eyes Harold? That tractor sure looks hungry up there. Don't you ever feed it?
It did feel great. You don't get to see me grin this much very often! Earth-based grin
Coming out of Earthen Hibernation Slowly Harold Comes out of his Earthen Hibernation, to a world remarkably unchanged.
Somehow, I'm feeling somewhat lighter-bodied now. There was this weight pressing on my chest, and . . . . Harold moults his earthen outer covering
My natural bulge is fine enough for me! Resting up on my knees, bulge bent but not broken, ready to face the rubberman's game of life on its terms.
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