Welcome to the
Leather Oaks Sweat Garden
A Heated Interlude, Part Two
This page was last updated on:
July 1st, 2004
On the Family-friendly Garden Page, I had some neat prose about an imagined spear fishing scene here at Divers' Deep. At the moment, it seems that even seeing the place is the prime problem! |
It does appear that I'm groping for a solution, though, which is the good thing. I'm thinking that flyfishing probably wouldn't be profitable here.
So you want to see something new? I'll show you something new, but it will be a rocky experience. My perch is the berm of my new waterfall (well about eleven months old at this moment). My contractor had visions of Niagara-sized cataracts, while I had in mind the tuneful gurgle of an oriental "pocket falls". This was our compromise.
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When you stand up, you can see the water, a little! What you miss in a visuals only approach is the deep chortle of the Biological Filter (the concealed headwaters of Rocky Falls). Maybe I'll engineer a spring freshet effect for this guy, too!
I get so excited out here, I just have to bite my tongue to keep under control sometimes! That little tan thingy poking out of the water between my boots is exactly what you suspect. About every two years I have to clean the scum out of the toilet tank valve, but in between, it does a great job of maintaining the pond level.
Back on the old Garden Page, my Piping Boy was almost hidden in the shade on the far side of the pond, and not very "accessible" at all. A friendly landscape consultant suggested a change of venue for "Pipe" as we call him. He now has a commanding view of the whole pond from his central location, and even entertains occasional wade-in guests, as in this photo.
Pipe sometimes complains if people dress up too much in his presence. I guess he has a point, wearing just that skimpy little thong. Excuse me, think I'll join him for a while, since the zip side leather shorts make the operation painless. This does feel better, I can almost forget my leaky boot.
Wow! What happened? Somehow I went from Extreme Biker thong to Frog Warrior. Was it something Pipe played?
Oh I remember a little now, seems I got the harness idea from a action comics character some years ago, and was looking for something bold to do with the Swiss military surplus camp pad material. That wild looking cap some might remember from my Halloween series a couple years back. It was my idea of what a frog's face might look like, if magnified proportionately! |
Well, we finally got back to The Leather Oaks Memorial Bell Tower. And what a relief, it appears the bulgeophobes are still at bay <G>! Speaking of bulges and briefs, I know, "briefs" hardly does this suit justice. It started out life as the pattern for my first leather bikini. Somehow, in using the pattern on the Melon foam, I forgot that there wouldn't be all of those folded seams and elastic tunnels, so the project rapidly got HUGE! It also developed that the neat brass Chicago Fasteners simply weren't up to the stress, so both the front and back seams are now overstitched with saddle twine. The magnificent oversizing didn't seem like a problem to me, just another JockUps opportunity. I bet there are two of them in there, keeping me competently bulgy.
Finally another chance to sit down, and it gives you a better look at my boots. They're made by Ranger, and I think they call them Field and Stream. Guess that's two more uses to go, but don't they match the rest of my gear great? |
That completes the Leather Oaks Sweaty Garden Tour for this year, folks! Future admission will be by subscription only.
Get those applications in soon now, Okay?